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The primary aim is to succeed in combining the experimental and creative dimension with a professional multidisciplinary able to deal with design programs in every scale.

The studio has designed and built over the years ,different types of public and private buildings with residential or commercial destination, has also designed public spaces and proposed solutions for the redesign of rural, industrial or historical areas.

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We are not just selling furniture but we are creating emotions and allowing you to realize your dreams through interior proposals vs. measures. 100 years of  our experience guarantees the quality, fair price, absolute seriousness to our increasing number of clients.  strong  interior designers and architects team, interior expertise, in collaboration with the designers ,made us able to aid customers on different levels.

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We are building, renovating, taking care  of apartments maintenance and , banks or offices,condominiums "... from the spoon to the city" recited a famous slogan, from the painting or the remaking of the bathroom, to the anti-seismic structural consolidation of the IPER-COOP at Montale(Piacenza-Italy), work completed in September 2018.


Our graphic design studio addresses to the research of the relationship between architecture and communication, or towards the reading of the architectural product intended as a communicative message.



We are building, renovating, taking care  of apartments maintenance and , banks or offices,condominiums "... from the spoon to the city" recited a famous slogan, from the painting or the remaking of the bathroom, to the anti-seismic structural consolidation of the IPER-COOP at Montale(Piacenza-Italy), work completed in September 2018.



Via Genova, 23, 29121 Piacenza PC, Italy

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